Running a garage is great. You’re able to work on multiple different cars everyday, and also learn new skills as you go along. You also have the added benefit of being able to be up close and personal with your favourite cars at some points, which is pretty much every car lovers dream. However, it’s important as a business to ensure that you’re not only fixing up people’s cars, but you’re offering a package service to ensure that they come back time and time again. Take a look at these 4 ways to make your garage more successful so that you can keep your current customers – and gain new ones too!
Offer people deals
As you’re probably already aware, getting your car repaired or serviced can work out to be very expensive, and if you don’t have the funds to pay up, what are your options? A great way of attracting customers is by offering them deals on payment plans for your services. You’re much more likely to have customers return if you’re compassionate and understanding! You could even offer a deal like fast service for higher charges and lower charges for a delayed, but still speedy service.
Have fuel available
We’re sure that quite often you’ve repaired a car and the owner has had to head out with a jerry can to get some fuel to drive home. Why not eliminate their need to do that by supplying fuel at your garage? You can store it in adblue storage tanks and either give it to people for free after spending a certain amount, or charging a little extra to put some fuel in for the drive home. Making your customer’s lives that little bit easier will go a long way, and they’ll be more likely to come back to you next time.
Lend courtesy cars
One of the biggest problems when taking your car in to be repaired is being without transport for a little while. Why not invest in a few cars that you can lend out as courtesy cars? Perfect for those people that need to drop their car in and get to work! You would have to draw up contracts and take out insurance for lending courtesy cars, but it will make the service you’re giving to your customers second to none!
Finally, advertising your garage rather than waiting for people to notice you is an efficient way of bringing customers in. Perhaps you could use your courtesy cars as an effective way of advertising, as well as putting adverts in the local newspapers/online? There are so many forms of advertising, so why not look into it so that you can show off your amazing garage with the world and make it more successful!