There are still plenty of people in the world that are unemployed. Whether it’s due to their lack of credentials, a poor performance record or even just their own personal problems, people can find it extremely difficult to get back on their feet for a number of different reasons. However, when you do finally come across an employer that offers you a chance, you might find yourself struggling to show off your better qualities.
Perhaps it’s just a lack of experience in job interviews or maybe it’s because you’ve been out of the employment loop for so long. Either way, we’ve compiled a list of common ways that you can ruin your employment chances and also how to avoid them.
Having a poor record
Having gaps in your employment is going to be viewed poorly by companies you apply to. It’s always a good idea to have at least something on your resume, even if it’s volunteering work, to show that you’re a consistent and hard-working individual. A poor record is not going to help with your chances of employment, so if you’re planning on quitting your job for a new career or going on an extended break, it’s a good idea to think ahead.
However, you could also have a poor record due to any criminal offences that you’ve committed. Even something potentially unrelated like a DUI charge could harm your chances of employment. This is why it’s important to visit the law office of Jody Fisher or other similar legal advisors that specialize in criminal law. With some help, you could erase or lower those charges to increase your chances of employment.
Having a poor social media presence
Having no social media presence is far better than having a negative or poor one on the internet. There have been countless situations on websites like Facebook and Twitter where employees of companies have complained about their job or something similar and ruined their careers. Even if it’s something like posting pictures of your workplace or making innocent jokes, employers won’t look at it in a positive light.
Nowadays, employers may even ask for your social media credentials or look up your name separately just for the sake of researching your habits. Make sure you clean up your social media presence so that you look professional and remove any doubt from your employer’s mind. If you need to have a separate social media account then, by all means, do so. However, just remember that employers and recruitment agencies are finding more and more ways to research their employees before hiring them.
Hopefully, this article has given you an interesting look into how you can increase your chances of employment. There are obviously some more common reasons such as having a poor resume or a cover letter, but we feel that those are fairly straightforward and well-known ways to improve your chances of landing a job.