There are many things you need to understand about your customers if you are to run your business well and see it through to greater and greater success. Much of it can be discerned through instinct and trial and error, but there is also plenty that you can only discover by doing the research and looking at the statistics, facts and opinions of professionals. One of the most important things you need to get to grips with here is what makes it likely that a customer will pick up a product, versus what might mean that they do not, or that they ignore it entirely. Some of the reasoning behind this is quite straightforward and logical and obvious, and some is more surprising. Either way, let’s take a look now at some of the most important things which can make a customer considerably more likely to buy a product.
They Need It
This might sound obvious or even trite, but it is actually an important thing to consider. If you find that a product is not doing so well, you need to think about whether it is possible that the only reason it’s not doing so well is because they happen not to need it. It might not be that your product is not good, for instance, but merely that it does not provide something that they in particular need. The other side to this is that it is hugely important to make sure that you are only making products which are likely to be useful to many people, as in that way they are much more likely to want to buy it and to be interested in it in the first place. This also needs to be considered when it comes to marketing the product, as it makes a huge difference in terms of ensuring that you are making it clear to people what your product can actually do for them. By focusing on that, you will be able to ensure that more customers appreciate what your product can do for them, and that will mean that many more people are likely to buy it in the first place.
Personal Recommendations
If someone hears from someone they know and trust that a product they have tried is worthwhile, it mkas it considerably more likely that they will try it themselves, and you can use this awareness to ensure that you are going to be able to make your product much more likely to be popular. You can do this in number of ways – for instance, by making sure that the marketing encourages people to talk about a product in direct terms, which can be surprisingly successful as a marketing ploy. Or you can simply focus on providing a product which provides an extra-special experience, and therefore is much more likely to be spoken about between friends. By encouraging word of mouth in this way, you are bound to see some marked improvements in the amount of products you are selling.
Packaging Design
In a way, the packaging design is the most important part of the whole marketing and selling process. Ultimately, no matter what they might think of a product, this is likely to be affected by what they do or do not see on the shelf in the store or on a website. Packaging design has a hugely dramatic effect on how likely it is that you can sell a product, so it is something that you will want to focus on as best as you can and as much as possible. You will probably find that it is necessary to get av professional packaging design team to do it for you, as that way you can be sure that you are going to be truly happy with the end results. You can learn more about that online, and you should find that it is one of the best things you ever do in terms of ensuring that people can buy your products much more often and commonly.
Social Proof
There is one powerful psychological trend which we can make use of here to ensure that people are more likely to buy a product, and it is known as social proof. You have probably experienced this phenomenon yourself without realizing what is happening, and it is powerful. Social proof is when you overestimate or inflate a sense of importance about something because it already appears to be successful or desirable to other people. For instance, if you see a tip jar with some money in it, you are much more likely to put some money in there yourself. You can use this phenomenon to ensure that customers are much more likely to buy your product, and in particular if you appreciate that the most common and powerful form of social proof used today is social media sites like twitter. By encouraging ad engaging in a conversation on Twitter and Facebook and so on about the product, you massively increase the likelihood of more people wanting to get their hands on that product. Don’t underestimate this enormously powerful tool; it is well worth pursuing if you want to make user as many people as possible buy your product.
Good Pricing
You will probably find that the process of pricing a product is something which is an ongoing issue, and yet it is worthwhile if you are going to make sure that you can sell as many units of a product as possible. By focusing on pricing a product correctly, you can expect many great changes to how many you shift, but in order to know that you are getting it right, you need to research what is currently the average price for a particular product. Be aware of that, and you can focus and adapt your own pricing as necessary. This will ensure that your customers are much more likely to buy your product, and it is definitely worth thinking about. If nothing else it will ensure that you are going to be getting a fair amount for each unit you do sell, which is also important.