It’s hard to keep a superstar individuals for too long at the same company. Here’s how to replicate the energy and enthusiasm they brought to your
In the workplace, people tend to gravitate towards certain individuals that excel in their performance. In many cases they are charismatic people that make others feel good about themselves, push the organization beyond its comfort zone, and are responsible for a significant portion of its success.
Sadly, it’s hard to keep these types of gifted individuals for too long at the same company. They move on to new opportunities that can provide greater challenges, more prestige, more money or all of the above. When they leave—and many times it happens suddenly—what should you do? How do you replicate the energy and enthusiasm they brought to your organization?
Manage the announcement well
Before the superstar leaves, put them to one final good use: have them help you break the news to the rest of the team. The announcement should not be hastily prepared. Take your time. Make sure that the key points are discussed and that you and the soon-to-depart employee each say something.
The message from the departing employee should contain elements of gratitude, appreciation, reinforcement and motivation. You want the rest of the team to take away a feeling that despite this departure, things can continue to be successful. The time between your learning of the departure and the time it is formally announced should be as brief as possible. This minimizes the opportunities for gossip and innuendo.
Identify new potential leaders and help them rise to the occasion
It can be discouraging for employees when a vacuum of power and responsibility exists within an organization. The last thing you want to create is an environment where multiple people are fighting for a perceived opportunity for promotion for months. That type of tension leads to an unproductive workplace. If you plan to promote from within and no one is quite ready to step into the shoes of the departed employee, then communicate that effectively. Also communicate what will be the process for selecting a replacement, what is the timetable involved, who are the decision makers and what is the selection cr
Go to the article: What To Do When Your Superstar Suddenly Leaves